Special GSA Reception/Cash Bar to Highlight Interdisciplinary Networks

In addition to its usual cash bar just before the annual banquet of the German Studies Association on Friday, October 4, the GSA is also sponsoring a SECOND cash bar reception on Saturday, October 5, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to call attention to our interdisciplinary activities. This occasion will give GSA members a chance to network with our networks! The coordinators of the GSA's twelve interdisciplinary networks will be introduced at this reception. You will get a chance to start thinking about interdisciplinary initiatives for the 2014 conference in Kansas City.

The cash bar/reception will take place in the Private Dining Room at the Denver Marriott Tech Center. Despite its name, the room will be open to GSA members! It is located west of the Summit Tower entrance and elevators on the north end of the building. We look forward to seeing many of you there!