GSR 48.1 Now Available to Members

Dear members of the GSA,

I am pleased to inform you that German Studies Review 48.1 is now available. A preview, including the cover and table of contents for 48.1 can be found at the end of this letter. Starting with this issue, GSR will be online only. Information on how to access the issue can be found here: 

  1. Go to the Project Muse website –
  2. Click on the gold Log In button in the top right corner.
  3. Enter the username and password for your GSA account in the boxes provided and click Log In.
  4. If login was successful, your username will appear in the top right corner.
  5. Click on Browse in the upper left corner and then scroll down and click on View more Journals. An alphabetical list of journals will appear.
  6. Use the tools on the left to find the title for which you have a paid subscription.  There will be a green check next to the title(s) you can access.
  7. Click on the journal and a list of available issues will appear.  Click on the issue you would like to access.  This will bring up a Table of Contents with a brief abstract of each article.
  8. Under the title of each article are three buttons – View, Download, and Save.  Clicking on View will bring up the full article.  Clicking on Download will create a PDF of the article, and clicking on Save will save a copy of the article to your personal MUSE library.

 Additional information about using  your MUSE personal library can be found at

Thank you for your ongoing support of the German Studies Association  and your interest in German Studies Review. Please consider submitting your next article to GSR. I hope you enjoy the range of contributions you will find in the current issue.

Katharina Gerstenberger, Editor