interdisciplinary networks

Interdisciplinary Networks are platforms tasked with focusing sustained interdisciplinary attention on topics of interest to the GSA membership by distributing calls for papers and forming panel series for the annual conference on a regular basis. Networks also have maintained list-servs, blog sites, and webpages, and have developed publications (journal issues and book volumes) derived from their panel activities.

GSA Networks are formed in consultation with the GSA’s standing Interdisciplinary Network Committee, comprising all Network Coordinators and its Co-chairs. Network Coordinators are nominated by the Interdisciplinary Network Committee Co-chairs and confirmed by the GSA President and Executive Director for three-year terms. Please consult the GSA Interdisciplinary Networks Suggested Best Practices document for more information.

Interdisciplinary Network Committee Co-Chairs

1. Asian German Studies

  • Ricky Law, Carnegie Mellon University (2024-2026)
  • Lee Roberts, Purdue University, Fort Wayne (2024-2026)

2. Black Diaspora Studies

3. Body Studies

4. Comics Studies

5. Digital Humanities

6. Emotion Studies

7. Environmental Studies | Listserv

8. Family and Kinship

9. Holy Roman Empire

10. Law and Legal Cultures

11. Linguistics and Language Studies

12. Legacies of Nazism

13. Medieval and Early Modern German Studies

14. Music and Sound Studies

15. Queer and Trans Studies

16. Sports Studies

17. Swiss Studies

18. Teaching

19. Visual Culture

  • Mimi Cheng, German Historical Institute Washington (2024-2026)
  • Joseph Henry, CUNY Graduate Center (2024-2026)

20. War and Violence